Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity 3- Technology Inventory for Languages

Putting together a technology inventory for foreign language instruction definitely took a lot of team work and collaboration. Our group consisted of four Italian majors, one Spanish major, and one ESL/Linguistics major and as a result we came up with a lot of diverse technologies. Though we found to have a couple repetitions here and there, language specific technologies enabled us to find technologies that would be beneficial in our respective disciplines. I feel that overall we reached an authentic and collaborative posting to Google Spreadsheets due to the fact that we each researched applicable technologies individually and then posted them to the document. 

                Moreover, when it comes to the final inventory that emerged I was very impressed to see all of the technologies that were brought to the table. I have learned about many different technologies that I will be able to use in my future classroom through my own research and through that of others. Though some technologies are specific to certain languages, they can be easily adopted for use in an Italian class room that will enhance student learning. On the whole, I believe that each technology mentioned has its own specific and influential use in the classroom that stretches far beyond entertainment into a realm of effective learning. 

                Furthermore, the technology inventory can prove to be beneficial in other courses in which I am enrolled this semester especially READ 411 and CURR 314. In READ 411, a course in language and literacy, students are required to complete a tutorial experience for eight to ten hours with a high school student from their respective field. One stage of this tutorial requires carefully thought out lesson plans and I believe that the technologies provided in this inventory will greatly supplement the lesson plans that I will create while tutoring my student. Additionally, the inventory will prove helpful in CURR 314, a course in learning assessments due to the fact that many of the technologies listed can serve as either formal or informal assessments. Examples include Wimba Voiceboards, Online Workbooks, Email, Discussion Forums, Pronunciation Tools, Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Prezi, Virtual Environments, Language Learning Programs, and countless others. Ultimately, I feel that this project has proved to be quite beneficial and influential due to the fact that I am now more aware of the many technologies available to me and I have learned ways in which to apply them effectively in various circumstances.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

History of Technology

Though it is not part of the assigned interactivity I'd like to share my answers to the first couple questions with all of you.

The technology that influenced education in my particular content area the most during this time is foreign language lab in the 1960s. Though this technology is briefly glanced over in the video, it has been one of the most influential and crucial technologies when it comes to foreign language instruction. With these labs, students were able to listen to audio clips consisting of conversations in the target language. While learning another language, it is crucial that one hears it as much as possible in order to improve comprehension. From here the students can also respond in the target language and strengthen their speaking skills.

From my reading of the two texts I have been able to determine that the technology that has had the most impact on formalized education is the computer. The interviewee, Grace, in the article A History of Social Media, Technology, and Schooling, briefly mentions how “subject matter trainers” was beneficial to foreign language instruction and spelling (Domine 46), but besides this small anecdote foreign language instruction is not specifically mentioned again. However, Grace does go into great detail of how computers have benefited students and instructors alike. Though she goes into detail about how the integration of computers in the classroom was not always successful, she explains how the acquisition of a computer at home helps her mother record grades, process documents, and complete other professional tasks with ease (48).  She also explains other useful functions of computers that students profit from such as the submitting of assignments to blogs for quick feedback quickly edit group projects using Google Docs, obtain historical information through various channels, and many other tactics (51). As a future foreign language educator, I see the usefulness of all of the examples that Grace has provided and can quickly formulate ways in which they can be used in an Italian classroom. For example word processors can be used to produce essays in Italian, students can use online dictionary (but not translators) in order to look up words they may not recognize, or audio files can be downloaded to a computer to aid with student comprehension.

Additionally, in the second chapter of Rethinking Technology in Schools, Dr. Domine mentions popular computer based programs such as instant messages, blogs, Facebook etc (Domine 49). I feel that many of these technologies can also be used in the classroom in order to reinforce content as well as entertain the students. I have heard of professors using twitter in the classroom and requiring that students tweet in a foreign language in order to ensure frequent practice and improve spelling and syntax. Blogs can be used in a similar fashion to achieve a similar goal. However with blogging it is possible for students to incorporate videos and images that also portray cultural significance. It is also possible to change the settings on many sites so the text appears in the target language, a tactic that is useful in broadening vocabulary. Furthermore, regarding foreign language education computers are more notoriously known for their presence in language labs. In these labs students are provided with individual computers where they can listen to audio clips and watch videos in the target language designed to further the acquisition of the language. Students can also record themselves speaking the language in order to reinforce speaking skills and pronunciation. Overall, the use of the computer when it comes to foreign language instruction is essential due to the fact that it represents vital repetition and practice required when it comes to learning another language.
Works Cited
Domine, Vanessa. "A Social History of Media, Technology and Schooling." The National          Association for  Media Literacy Education’s Journal of Media Literacy Education 1 (2009): 42-52. JMLE. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. .

Domine, Vanessa Elaine. Rethinking Technology in Schools Primer. New York: Peter Lang,   2009. Print.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Different Ways Students Use Technology

As I was compiling the information for my first interactivity, I became very interested in how others view technology in the classroom. As a result I conducted a little bit of research and came across an interesting study conducted by ECAR last year describing the relationship undergraduate students have with technology. The link to the study and its results can be found here:

The study found that the majority of college undergrads valued the use of technology at their respective colleges/universities and prefer a mix of online components and lecture.  The article also shows how more and more instructors are beginning to use various types of devices and media in the classroom to enhance content. This being said, it is interesting to note the statistic that states that “More than 1 in 2 students (51%) think they know more about how to use technology than their professors” (Educause). This particular statistic reminded me of Olivia’s video when teachers expected students to not be capable of using various devices or media. Here, I think it is important to translate the basic principles of this study to secondary education students in order to better tailor technological lessons to their needs. As future teachers, we must not quickly judge students on their abilities because they probably know more about certain things than we do. Instead it is important to assess their abilities first and then adapt. 

Here I would like to invite everyone to think of all the ways this article may apply to our future students and to us as future teachers. I feel that from the article I am now more likely to have students provide a list of frequently used technologies at the beginning of the school year. This way I will be able to learn about technologies that I may have never heard of and do some research as to how they can be modified to serve in an Italian classroom. Using this article we can see the ways in which different people use different technological aspects when it comes to learning and use what we have learned to create better lessons and assessments.

Works Cited
"ECAR National Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2011—Infographic | EDUCAUSE." What Is EDUCAUSE? | EDUCAUSE. Web. 08 Feb. 2012. .

The Evolution of Technology in the Classroom

For the second interactivity we were all encouraged to look at the history of technology in regards to education. As supplementary information, I have found this website which outlines major technological advances in the classroom starting in the mid 1600s. 

Here we can see many devices used for instruction that may have not even heard of. Among many include the horn book, the ferule, and the magic lantern. Interesting is also to note the descriptions given to each item as that it gives interesting insight to not only function but historical context. For example, the horn book not only had printed material in order to help one learn but it was also shaped like a paddle being that corporal punishment was rampant during that that time. 

Additionally, it is also interesting to note the progression in which various instruments came into existence/practice. Here I am particularly referring to the use of chalkboards before pencils. Before this many students used slates but the mass production of the pencil was very important not only for taking notes but for assessment activities as well. Additionally, ballpoint pens did not make their appearance in the United States until the 1940s selling for around ten dollars each, obviously a major difference from the pricing standards of today.

By reading this article, I encourage us all to carefully examine every instrument that has been used in the classroom and determine how each can be used in our specific content area. I feel that it is vital for us as future teachers to become accustomed with the various technologies that surround us and tailor them to fit the needs of our future students. Furthermore, it is also essential to become accustomed with new technologies as they emerge in order to find useful ways to incorporate them into the curriculum to better benefit the students. For example with modern technology I would use the Dropbox application/website in order to have students submit their work to me in Italian. Additionally, I would have them each set the language of Dropbox to Italian so they would become more accustomed to a wide range of vocabulary. Additionally, I would also recommend that they set their Facebook pages to Italian as well. By doing this they will also be able to learn modern vocabulary that will prove useful in the future. Furthermore, since most of them are probably already accustomed to Facebook in English they will be able to learn the meanings of various words based on their positioning on the page. This way students will be learning new words without even realizing!

Works Cited
"The Evolution of Classroom Technology." The Evolution of Class Room Technology. Edudemic, Apr. 2011. Web. 8 Feb. 2012. .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interactivity 2: The History of Technology in Schools


Language Labs help students learn while keeping them engaged.

Works Cited:
Littleton Public Schools. Littleton Public Schools. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.