Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interactivity 2: The History of Technology in Schools


Language Labs help students learn while keeping them engaged.

Works Cited:
Littleton Public Schools. Littleton Public Schools. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.


  1. Sara,
    Glad to see you have been working diligently ahead. One suggestion for Interactivity #2 would be to re-read Step 4 on the directions and adjust your blog post accordingly in order to have an opportunity to receive full credit. If you have any questions, please let me know!

  2. I work for OIT as a Lab assistant. Right now, I handle laptop loans in the library, but when I was hired I was asked if I ever used the language lab because then I could have worked there. I replied I didn't, and admitted that I never knew I could use it. I always walk past it in Dickson, but honestly, never knew I could use it, or even how to use it. I took ASL as my language elective, and my professors never told us to use it as a resource. Thinking about it now, although I did well in the class, I could have improved my skills had I used it.
    I feel like internet usage in a foreign language class would be extremely beneficial. I know in high school, the higher you got in the program the more regimented the language usage was, until no language other than the target language was spoken in the classroom. In my ASL classes, the teacher rarely talked, always opting to finger spell a word, rather than verbally tell us what word she was trying to portray to us. We even lost points if we spoke verbally in class. I can't help but feel that making kids tweet, blog, and communicate online using the target language would further enhance this. I've heard countless people say that they learned the language best when they were fully emerged in it, like for example, if they went abroad and lived with a family that didn't know English. The more you use it and the more you're around it, the better you get at it. I agree completely that technology would be a great way to reinforce content. I think I would have done much better at foreign language in high school if we were able to do this. It sounds fun, and it's interactive.

  3. Sara, interesting photo. Can you help me understand your choice of technology?
