Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Interactivity 1

                At this point in my life the three most influential communication technologies are my cell phone, Skype, and Facebook. As a student I can see how influential technology is in my everyday life as well as in the lives of others.

                 From watching the video in which the viewer is taken through the daily life of Olivia my views on the powers of technology have been reinforced, especially when I view the video through the eyes of a future teacher. For example, I am sure that my future students may not have access to a computer at home but like Olivia, this does not mean that their computer skills are insufficient. Though Olivia lacks a home computer, she ventures to other locations where she can obtain access. By doing this she becomes technologically knowledgeable by learning computer basics (such as sending emails) and how to perform more difficult operations such as customizing and creating pages (myspace), adding pictures and videos to websites, and various other operations. 

                  I believe that my future students will use various forms of technology in their everyday lives. Besides using a computer, Olivia uses her cell phone everyday to stay connected to everyone in her life through text messages, phone calls, and by checking her myspace page. She also uses her iPod on a daily basis, a device that I am sure most of my students will possess especially since it is now possible to play games, check email, obtain internet access, use social networking, as well as run many other programs with the iPods.

                 Furthermore, as a teacher I believe it is important that I become aware of Olivia’s relationship to and use of technology. By knowing the types of technology  that she is accustomed to I will be able to create assignments that she will be able to complete using creativity. By watching this video I have learned that Olivia is always ready to learn new things, a trait that will be beneficial in the classroom when it comes to teaching new material and using critical thinking. Additionally, the video states that she spends four to five hours every night conducting research on things that she has found online. Though it seems like a lot of her time is being spent interacting socially, Olivia also expands her intellectual horizons through said research. As a teacher I could also give her focus areas in which she could research that would both increase her interests and education. As one can see from the conclusion of the video, social media, various communication media, and other devices have benefited Olivia greatly due to the fact that she is now one of the top three students in her class. I plan to use technology in the class room to aid my students just has it has aided Olivia.
                                Through the second video, I have learned all of the different ways in which young people use the technology to learn. Examples include music production, writing, listening to music, “tweeting”, keeping in touch  via text message, maintaining hobbies, learning different languages, expressing oneself creatively, experimentation, learning how to successfully execute group work through gaming, and using a cell phone to take pictures for projects. Here it is evident that though some choose to use social media for entertainment purposes, many can benefit from the educational aspects as well. As one can see, there are obviously many ways for students to express themselves while learning through technology and when I become a teacher I plan to integrate multimedia as well as other medium  into the curriculum in way where the latter will be possible.

                Each of the technologies I have listed at the beginning of the entry has impacted the ways in which I learn new information. Though Facebook, it is really easy to stay in touch with friends and family but the website is also a great way to keep oneself updated with current events. For those who do not watch the news, they can obtain a brief, though biased, overview of events such as the Penn State scandal, the more recent internet censorship, and various others. By hearing about these events on Facebook one is motivated to research the events online for a more comprehensive and objective reporting. However, I do find at times that  I become distracted by Facebook and there are some times where assignments fall second to updating and checking my page. Here it is essential that I, as well as many other students do not overuse Facebook at risk of not completing priority items and assignments. Moreover, Skype has also proved influential because through this program I am able to video chat with family and friends overseas and learn new things about their lives as well as things that are happening in their home countries. Unfortunately, Skype does require excellent internet strength from both parties or else the video and audio effects become choppy and it becomes very hard to understand and see one another. For this reason, I usually use Skype for communication with my relatives in Italy and Belgium, but there are times when Skype does not function properly and I must result in a simple telephone call in order to communicate. Furthermore, the most influential communication technology is the cell phone. I am currently a proud owner of the iPhone4 and must say that my information intake has grown exponentially since I received it. I now have access to various applications that allow information to fly at my fingertips. For example I can keep in touch with friends and family through text messages, or even keep myself up to date with school assignments via email and the Blackboard and Dropbox applications. By using my phone I am able to learn new things where ever I am and even complete assignments when I am far from home. However, even though the iPhone has been very beneficial to me, I have also seen how the device can be detrimental to others as they find themselves sending text messages or playing games in class. Though I do not engage in these types of activities, I see how easy it is for others to do so. Taking this into consideration I plan to deduct participation points from students' grades whenever they use cellphones and other devices in this manner. As a student, I have found this system to be a great motivator for students who are tempted to use devices negatively during class time.

                   My uses of technologies are both similar and different to the uses described in the two videos.  It seems to me that I use technology just as often as those presented and that the reasons for using technology seem to be just about the same. I must note however that those in the video seem to use technology more for entertainment purposes. The use of the iPod was highlighted several times in the videos and I must say that I use my iPod sparingly. My uses for technology are more focused on communicative or educational purposes, though I do use the technologies for entertainment in my spare time.


  1. I'm glad to see you're getting ahead of the game and moving to Interactivity #1. Please modify your blogpost so that it is one continuous narrative. In other words, when I provide you with directions in terms of "steps" that is just for your process/thinking. I want you to be more fluid in how to you present your posts. You can certainly have multiple paragraphs, but your thoughts need to be expressed in one coherent blogpost. Please email me if you need additional clarification. I hope this helps.

  2. The format and flow is much better in your blogpost. To make this an excellent Interactivity #1, I would recommend 2 things: First, examine all the places where you use the word "technology" and either use a different word or put something in front of it to give that word actually meaning (i.e., digital technologies or the actual device to which you are referring). When you start reading chapters in "Rethinking Technology," you'll see that the term "technology" is very nebulous. Secondly, include some negative aspects of your uses of your "Top 3." In the assignment (Step 4) I ask you to reflect on how these technologies have shaped your life "for better and worse." Those two suggestions should position you to where you need to be for this first interactivity.

  3. I too was struck by Olivia’s teacher who said that his students are very knowledgeable, despite not having a computer at home. I felt like this was a really insightful piece of information and I had not really considered the importance of knowing this. I remember a time when computers were first entering the school, where the teachers thought quite the opposite about us. They thought we had no knowledge of computers, I guess since they weren’t as available as they are now so there was no way of knowing who would or wouldn’t have one. Because of this, they wouldn’t let us use computers for assignments and when technology as to be used, they assumed we didn’t know anything about it. This was frustrating because we did have knowledge of technology and the teachers didn’t really care that we did. Technology has become so universal, but it will be important for us to realize the potential for students to not be as savvy as we think they are.

  4. Greg that is a very important point. Education has come a long way in terms of using computers in order to learn and complete assignments. It is very unfair that teachers assumed that students did not have working knowledge of computers and therefore forbade use of them in the classroom as well at home to complete school work. I feel that instead of that course of action, teachers should have attempted to incorporate computers as well as a few computer literacy classes into the curriculum in order to aid student learning. Your recognition of the universality of technology and the importance in recognizing potential is truly significant to each of us as future teachers.

  5. Sara, I agree with what you said about there are many ways in which students can express themselves through technology. When I am a teacher I want to use tools in my classroom that interest my students and give them the desire to learn and express themselves. The most important thing to me is to make sure that my students can relate to what I am teaching them and to keep them interested so that they want to learn new things. I believe that incorporating computers and certain websites can help my students become more involved causing them to do better in school.

  6. Sara, I agree with the important point you raised when you stated that although Olivia does not have access to computers at all times, the time she does spend with that piece of technology allows her to immerse herself in a world that might seem complicated to others. We should not generalize and assume that those who do not have access to technology in their homes are ignorant to certain forms of technology. Reading what you also stated regarding how beneficial technology has been in Olivia's life as well as the lives of her classmates, also made me re-evaluate how I might have underestimated how influential technology is to students like Olivia that can potentially inspire them to be more dedicated to their schoolwork.

  7. Sara,
    I like the point you made about Olivia and her eagerness to learn new things. You are right. She did not have a computer in her household but she was very advanced in her skills. She even showed her mentor how to set up her Myspace. You would think the lack of computer in the home would hinder her ability to use a computer but for many students that is not the case. They are able to pick up a lot of different types of technology quickly and use them with ease. I think its important to know this as an educator. Computers may not always be available but the students' desire to learn more will, especially if they enjoy the topic or activity.

  8. Thank you all for such helpful and insightful comments!

    Melissa, you are right that the students must be able to relate to the content and that interest in the course itself will ensure that students will do better because they are motivated to do so.

    Jessica, it is an important point that you make when you bring up the generalization and assumptions that people tend to make. You are right in emphasizing the importance in avoiding such mindsets because the students do have a lot of potential and creativity that we teachers should foster.

    Emanuela, I like how you stress the significance of knowing and understanding student ability. Without doing so students will become hindered instead of inspired. Additionally, I like how you mention the motivation that results if a student enjoys a particular subject. It is vital to ensure that students find each topic interesting because if they do they will not only enjoy themselves, but also learn a lot in the process.

  9. Sara, I completely agree with you when you explained that despite Olivia not having a computer at home, she is still very technologically knowledgeable. From the eyes of future teachers, this is a very good aspect to take note of. It allows for teacher to realize that they can still assign work that is computer based without having the fear of their students not knowing what to do.
    On another note, I also agree with you when you stated that it is important to become aware of Olivia’s relationship with technology. When you said that you would be able to give her assignments based on the technology she is most familiar with, that stuck out as a very important aspect for me. By doing that, not only will she be learning in a concise manner but she will also be strengthening her technology skills as well as having fun.
    In regards to the ways facebook, skype and the iphone4 impact your life, I must say that some of the aspects you mentioned were very interesting and I would have never looked at them in those ways. For example, the fact that you mentioned that facebook is good for obtaining news and other information was something new to me. It is always portrayed by many people including myself as more of a distraction to school work as opposed to a help. If more people brought up positive notions of facebook more often, it would make for a better experience overall, both using it for communication purposes as well as educational. In regards to skype and the iphone 4, I too have the same positive and negative experiences and I can agree that it is very distracting while at the same time mind stimulating, having aall of this technology available to use.
