In my research I have come across this article which I have found fascinating for many reasons. This article incorporates the majority of what we have been learning in our teaching classes as pre-service teachers to ensure that content area literacy is achieved through fair assessment for all learners, in this case English Language Learners (ELLs),while incorporating technology. Currently, 10% of students from Kindergarten to 12th grade are ELLs and since this number is only growing, it is important now more than ever to ensure that these students receive the same educational opportunities as their peers despite the language barriers that they face.
The article also discusses the importance of using performance tasks in lieu of paper and pencil testing to ensure that the ELLs can thoroughly demonstrate their acquisition of the material at hand. These tasks also teach ELLs the skills that they will need to keep up with the fast track technology based society in which we live. I, for one, am a strong advocate of the performance task rationale because this type of assessment forces students to show their comprehension of the material instead of their skills when it comes to test taking. Additionally, these types of tasks are usually fun and make the material relevant to the student in way that they actually want to learn the material presented to them. Furthermore, through the use of technology a student not only becomes technologically literate but also learns vital skills that he will most likely learn in the workplace. From past experience, I have seen that it is beneficial to change settings on all technological devices to function in the target language due to the fact that technological vocabulary is learned fairly quickly in this way. I believe that in doing so, the ELLs will find a less difficult time learning these types of words apposed to simply memorizing them.
Personally, I take this article to heart and plan to use its teachings to assure that I successfully communicate my content with my ELL students in a way that they will truly understand the content. Furthermore, an Italian language classroom is that of a "reverse ELL classroom" if you will. That is that language acquisition is essential to understanding the material and I personally believe that written tests and assessment alone cannot demonstrate this type of acquisition. I believe that performance tasks are the best way to assess content literacy as well as oral skills and ultimately, through this practice one will be able to identify if one can really understand and communicate that understanding.
Performance tasks are a great way to assess student knowledge while also allowing them to be creative.